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Frequently asked Questions




  • What is the difference between dry pasta and fresh pasta?

The differences are many, from both a technical aspect of the product and a sensory aspect related to pasta consumption. For this reason, I will shortly dedicate a special section to deepen this topic.





  • How many grams per person should I use?

Pasta Cecchi prepares already portions of fresh pasta, long or short for 120g and ravioli for 150g .

It is clear that the measures can change according to needs related to weight or age (children normally eat 30% less) or the dish that need to be prepared. For example to enjoy egg noodles broken in a vegetable or meat broth, 40g per person is sufficient.


  • How much water do I need to put in the pan when I cook the pasta?

For a good "al dente" pasta you need at least 1L water/100g pasta on the stove to reach the cooking temperature with a pinch of salt.

  • How much salt should I use for cooking pasta?

In order not to salt the pasta too much (or too little), refer to a simple amount: 1% of the water used. So for 1 liter of water 10g of salt. Keep in mind that if you use a sauce that is already salty, it is better to use a bit less salt. Pasta Cecchi advices 7g of salt per 1L of water, which is also much healthier!


  • Why do I need to use salt to cook pasta?

The salt preserves aromas and nutrients of the product preventing them to spread in the water: in this way the pasta becomes more appetizing. On the contrary, not salting the water or doing it after cooking the pasta is equivalent to promoting the release of aromas and precious substances from the pasta that it should instead be preserved.

TIP! Better to put in the salt when the water is hot and starts showing the first bubbles. In hot water salt dissolves faster and the bubbles will move the water avoiding it to settle at the bottom of the pot. Therefore your pot will remain beautiful for a long time and will not cause a corrosive effect, also called pitting.


  • Do I have to add oil to the water in the pan to prevent the pasta from sticking?

The theory of using oil in pasta while is cooking divides the world of cooks into two: those who support it and those who reject it. Pasta Cecchi prefers to know why, let's see.

Although this custom has been handed down, scientific data shows that it is not necessary to add oil to the cooking water, as the density of the oil is lower than the cooking water, so it tends to slip away revealing unnecessary.

TIP! When the pasta cooks, the water is absorbed by the starch making the pasta softer. To keep it from sticking, just use a pan of the right size to stir the pasta comfortably and turn it over with a ladle every now and then.

  • When should I add the sauce to the pasta?

Cooking should be considered an art, the imagination in creating recipes and cooking methods is our limit, however there are some principles that must be respected. Especially for the sauce, it depends a bit on the recipe, but in general there is the right time to mix the pasta with the sauce. Cook the pasta for the time indicated on the package (al dente), drain it and add it to the sauce, mix 1 minute and BUON APPETITO!






  • I bought the pasta, but I don't see where to enter the discount code?

Thank you for buying our pasta, you can use your discount code at checkout and click "Enter a promo code".


  • What can I do if I bought more servings than I actually needed?

Properly refrigerate the extra amount to consume before the expiration date printed on the package. Storage is also possible in the freezer at -18°C in the original box on the same day of delivery for 2 months.









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