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This week in assortment

Filled tradition since 12th century

Ravioli is a timeless Italian tradition that is present in most Italian kitchens on a weekly basis. They are normally stamped with a square shape with each side measuring approximately 4 cm. They were used to be mixed with green herbs, fresh cheese and served every Friday during the solemn religious celebration of Lent.

Today they are known all over the world for their amazing fillings and easy way of eating. Fresh Ravioli can be prepared with the widest variety of recipes to tantalize your taste buds with its surprising flavor !!


Freshly made in Leiden by Italian hands,

below some ravioli from our production:

Black Dream Ravioli Smoked salmon
Black Dream Ravioli Smoked salmon

3 cups


3 cups



Smoked salmon

1 cup





1,7 %

Inktvis inkt

1½ cups


Did you know... The origin of this famous Italian pasta seems to lie in the northern regions, there were already traces of Ravioli in Giovanni Boccaccio's Decameron "... they did nothing but make and cook macaroni and ravioli. .. "(original ".. niuna altra cosa facevano che far maccheroni e raviuoli e cuocergli ... "), therefore it is believed to have appeared as early as the 12th century .

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