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Ravioli Mediterranei in Classic Sauce

Pasta saus met tomaten en Taggiasche olijven - Pasta Recept

With these ravioli Pasta Cecchi wants to emphasize the cuisine made from products from the earth such as sweet pepper, eggplant and zucchini combined with semolina of Italian origin and organic eggs. A complete meal that meets modern needs due to lack of time. This simple recipe will certainly save you time without giving up a fresh, healthy and tasty dish related to the Mediterranean Diet.

But what is the Mediterranean Diet? The Mediterranean Diet is derived from the Greek "diaita" which means lifestyle, in fact it refers to a cultural factor. On November 16, 2010, the Intergovernmental Committee of the UNESCO Convention on Intangible Cultural Heritage in Nairobi, Kenya, approved the inclusion of the Mediterranean Diet in the Intangible Cultural Heritage List. Eating together is the foundation of the cultural identity and continuity of communities in the Mediterranean Basin, where the values ​​of hospitality, neighborhood, intercultural dialogue and creativity are combined with respect for the territory and biodiversity, enhancing artisanal products. Italian food historian Massimo Montanari says in his book "Il Cibo come cultura" (Food as culture) that every aspect of food is linked to history and also expresses a culture.


- 300g RAVIOLI MEDITERRANEI or others of your choice from our Ravioli range;

- 100ml Tomato sauce (without spices or herbs)

- 4 teaspoons of Taggiasche Olives

- 2 tablespoons of Extra Virgin Olive Oil


Ravioli is a type of pasta that contains all the flavors of the dish already inside and in the dough, therefore seasoning it with heavy and abundant sauces can only cover and compromise the flavor of the product.

Simple is best!


Put some water on the stove with a pinch of salt to reach the boiling temperature, where you will later cook the pasta (1L/100g pasta). Pour the 3 ingredients together in a large saucepan, mix, season with salt and heat lightly to blend the flavors for 10 minutes (do not boil). Then cover with a lid.


Now cook your Fresh Ravioli from Pasta Cecchi 2 - 3 minutes in the boiling water, and with a sieve drain the pasta when it is cooked directly into the pan with the sauce, stir and serve them nice and warm on the table with a few fresh basil leaves... BUON APPETITO!

Ravioli van Pasta Cecchi met klassiek tomatensaus, gemaakt in Leiden door Italiaanse handen.

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«Il cibo è cultura quando si produce, quando si prepara, quando si consuma. È il frutto della nostra identità e uno strumento per esprimerla e comunicarla” (Massimo Montanari)

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> Order your fresh pasta here!

Available for the happy residents in the area of Leiden (Leiderdorp, Oegstgeest, Warmond, Zoeterwoude Rijndijk and Voorschoten) delivered from MON to FRI between 3:00 pm - 7:00 pm.

If you want to enjoy our pasta in the weekend, order max before Thursday for delivery on Friday.

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